Firewire CEO Mark Price Interview. Dissecting the success of Kelly Slater Surfboards and Firewire - my conversation with Mark Price
Category - inspiration
Misfit Shapes NU WAVR Surfboard Review + Futures Haydenshapes Fins
A bad mofo modern single/multi-fin setup, the Misfit Shapes NU WAVR Surfboard Review + Futures Haydenshapes Fins is ideal if you want to mixup your...
Eddie 2016
5'3 Mini Simmons
While this classic fish curve gives the board plenty of drive, the rail-line rocker breaks before the center-line rocker, loosening up an outline...
Ode to Shaper Peru Izeta Peru lives in the basque country (San Sebastian, North Spain). He has been surfing longboards since about 10 years ago...
Video: Tyler Warren On Mini Simmons in Slow Motion (4:14 mins)
This video is a great way to learn about riding a Mini Simmons---I mean, ripping a mini simmons. Epic slow motion video of Tyler Warren on Mini...
Video: Rabbit’s Foot Finless Ripping From Almost Cut My Hair
A totally tantalizing section from Almost Cut My Hair - Ryan Burch finless ripping with casual style on the Rabbitsfoot. Something to cherish. This...
Mini Simmons Innovation Mini Simmons Design No mistaking the dog bone influence with this outline. Shaped by Matt Green out of Dolphin Surfcraft @...
This might be one of the best Mini Simmons surfing videos on the web.
Surfing Video: Tyler Warren killing it on a 4'11 - 2:19 minutes
Kelly Slater sporting a Mini Simmons and ripping it, as usual. I love seeing Slats on a Mini Simmons and stoked he is down with the shape. Photo...
Video: Richard Kenvin Mini Simmons Clinic (2.46 mins)
The man behind, Richard Kenvin puts on a clinic riding a 6'2" Mini Simmons.
Surfing Video: Thanks Nate for sending in the video.
At this point I feel good about saying that I have educated myself about Mini Simmons Surfboards. I started this blog when I first recognized that...
Video: Mini Simmons Joe Bauguess Board Review (1:33 Mins)
Board Riders Review got to ride a 5'8 Mini Simmons made by veteran shaper Joe Bauguess in collaboration with surfer Richard Kevin.
Designer of the Magic Seaweed Logo and a fan of the Mini Simmons.
5’0″ Hollow Plywood Mini Simmons No Glass
5'0" Hollow Plywood Mini Simmons No Glass
Before You Do It . . .
Ode to Ted Heople. Le Gueux Mini Simmons by Shaper Ted Heople of The Surf Boards.
A film about surfing Europe: THE OLD, THE YOUNG & THE SEA Teaser #1.
5'4" Mitsven Mini Simmons.