1963 was the year Joe Bauguess shaped his first ‘professional’ surfboard at Austin-Baird Surfboards in Surfside, CA.
Category - show & tell
Show And Tell Your Mini Simmons Surfboard is a place for our community to share their shaping experience with others. Please show us your mini...
Show And Tell Shaper Juan Ma Bernal Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons. My model is a 5.3 “. 22 7/16. 2 3/4 with rails 50/50. tail diamonds and...
Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons. I meet Joe Alphabet that is what they call him. Well, he needed unloading some Balsa wood boards which He had 6 or 7...
Tell us about your Mini Simmons Self shaped and glassed mini. Â Super deep double concave down the center with extra channels out the back. I get the...
Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons. Hey cheers for the invite to chat about my Simmons that i shaped under my logo of VEPO SURFBORDS @Facebook .I live...
Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons. I got my first Mini-Simmons from Ian Zamora. 5’10” x 23″ x3″. I am around 5′ 9″...
Show & Tell Shaper- Javier Tell us about your Mini Simmons I researched the whole planning hull idea since a while back and it had been...
Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons. First, this is 100% scratch built from 5 mm ply and 1/4″ Western Cedar planks, along with Balsa for additional...
Show & Tell #1 David 5'6 x 22 x 23/4 Mini Simmons,I'd been obsessed with the Mini Simmons for a long time and always thought it's simple shape.