Tell Us About Your Mini Simmons.
I meet Joe Alphabet that is what they call him. Well, he needed unloading some Balsa wood boards which He had 6 or 7 ft Bob Simmons board. He had it in storage for 30 years and it was his first time showing it… I was amazed…. I was next door showing off my collection but everyone wanted to see the Bob Simmons board….. Some people didn’t know who he was and Joe Talked story about Velzy and Simmons… I had a great day….. Learned alot…..
My camera Battery were dead, but if anyone took picture of the event please look for the Bob Simmons board…….
Big Frank
Downey, ca 1-562-896-9546
Who inspires you?
Joe Alphabet is our national treasure love this man…. Thanks again Everyone, we need to interview him more, Lets get some Media guy do a documentry.. He goes to Austriallia and knew all the legends in shaping and surfers….. Great man….
What interests you about the Mini Simmons shape?
The square taill
If you shaped your own board
I have been taking longboards that were broken and shaped them like mini simmons and staying with in 5’10 and 3 3/4 thick for float…Ferreri boards.. My glasser would  do the glassing working work. Everytime I take them out, I have  someone wanting to buy it. I have sold three sold far, but I ride and next thing I have offers for the boards.. Well, I do this for a hobbie not for the money….. Still  learning planning on buying an infinity tombstone today and learning more about the shape…. Well, still learning..
Where can we see more or follow future shapes?
I will be building some new boards which at HB woody and Longboard show, I meet rep from U.S. blanks which I plan on buying their planks and start modifieying my ideas…. or email me when next project is done. Frank Martinez [email protected] or 1-562-896-9546
What blank did you use?
Broken longboard surfboards.
9 ft Becker
9 ft stick man
9 ft infinity
Now, I will start using U.S. blanks in Gardena for next projects.
Where you at?
Downey Ca
I love living here, I have been here since 1972. My Dad like HB because back in the day there wasn’t to many people due to oil wells which Longbeach had to many people.. Well, as I became older he would say, “were you guys good this week?” If, yes we go to HB if not we go to longbeach.. Man did we learn to shape up… HB has always had waves……..
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