Ode To Shaper Bradley Losson
What up ?
Just checking in to make sure you downloaded your article ok?
What did you think, interesting huh?
The Mini Simmons history is super fascinating and boards keep changing. It is amazing to me that these boards went unnoticed for so long and now they are becoming a big hit.
I have been riding a mini for several years now, when the conditions call for it, of course.
We have been collecting tons of Mini Simmons surfing videos and we are stoked to share them with you.
I’d love to know what you thought and if you got one of these. There is a lot of good info on that site if you are thinking about trying one of these boards.
And if you already have one or have shaped one, I’d love to see a photo and a little write-up on the shaping process and your design ideas and strategy.
Have an awesome day,
~ Derek, Mini Simmons Surfboards Freak
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