Tomo Inspired Mini Simmons
Final dimensions 5'9 x 22 1/4" x 2 15/16"
Tomo Inspired Mini Simmons
The details from the shaper:
- 5’8 x 22 3/4″
- shaped from a burford 7’7 mini mal blank
- 6oz bottom, with a 4 and 6 oz deck
- full length concave with max 1/4″ concave under the front foot
- into channel tail max 3mm vee
- about 1/8″ concave in the nose between the points
- It doesn’t have the funky nose double concave as per the tomo design
- Is a fairly hard rail until mid board. then softens up a fair bit
- front fins toed at 1 deg, rears are parallel
Final dimensions 5’9 x 22 1/4″ x 2 15/16″
What’s up with those fins? Has anyone tried that setup?
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